Check your size with our FootSizeMeter / print out the insole in a PDF format! Your foot is the reference that counts
Your foot is the most important reference we work with. Here you can print out the insoles. Please re-measure the inner soles shortly after printing the A4 sheet to be on the safe side because of possible transfer distortions.
The inner soles are only the basis of the boot - which helps a lot to determine the size. Depending on your foot shape and width you will decide how much toe space you need. In the technical guide (page 4) you can find out which foot shape you have. If you have wide feet at the front (Roman foot shape), more toe space should be given (on average +-1 cm). If you have narrower feet please leave at least 5mm toe space for comfort as feet need a little more air in the summer. If the ball of your foot is wider, you can loosen the laces to gain width ā the soft leather adapts to your foot shape. The toe box however is reinforced and not stretchable. If you put the foot on the measurement sheet, the foot can overlap in the toe area, this is nothing unusual, since the insole is only the boot base.
Detailed information can be found in our technical guide.