We'll provide you with an offer including delivery costs.
WIFA manufactury outlet
Sobotagasse 10, first floor, 1230 Wien
Phone: +43 1 486 33 12
Maria Haubenwaller
Yannic Kinard
E-Mail: customercare@wifa.at
Web: wifa.at
Sportboutique Flashskate
Prinz Eugen-Straße 42, Top 4-5
Entrance Theresianumgasse 1a, 1040 Wien
Andreas Baumgartner
Phone: +43 664 1412724
E-Mail: office@flashskate.at
Web: flashskate.at
Icesports Vienna
Seidlgasse 34, 1030 Wien
Mario Böhm
Phone: +43 (1) 920 13 05
E-Mail: office@icesports.at
Web: icesports.at
Eiskunstbahn Engelmann
Skate Shop
⇒ Directly at the ice rink!
⇒ Rental WIFA boots available!
Free entrance for shop customers
Syringgasse 6-14, 1170 Wien
Bettina Rath
Phone: +43 1 405 14 26
E-Mail: shop@erstebank-arena.at
Vienna Hockey Store
⇒ Directly at the ice rink!
⇒ Rental WIFA boots available!
Free entrance for shop customers
Attemsgasse 1, 1220 Wien
Christian Nissner
Phone: +43 1 204 85 80 34
Mobile:+43 650 5822600
E-Mail: shop@erstebank-arena.at
Nora Pure Sports
Hernalser Gürtel 33, 1170 Wien
Harald Sauer
Phone: +43 1 403 44 93
E-Mail: nora@norasports.at
Sportique Kagran
Wagramer Straße 146, 1220 Wien
Phone: +43 1 204 10 77
Mobile:+43 664 4557882
E-Mail: office@sportique.at
Jakumi hockey GmbH
Ice skates shop at WEV
Lothringerstrasse 22, 1030 Vienna
Stefan Nader / Tel: +43 699 1191541
Michael Vorlaufer / Tel: +43 676 9203592
E-Mail: jakumihockey@gmail.com
WIFA Store Mödling
⇒ Directly at the ice rink!
⇒ Rental WIFA boots available!
Freizeitzentrum Stadtbad
Badstraße 25, 2340 Mödling
Eishockeyleistungszentrum GmbH
⇒ Directly at the ice rink!
⇒ Rental WIFA boots available!
Zoisweg 15, 8041 Graz
Jo Laimer
Mobile: 0664 400 95 40
E-Mail: office@elz.at
Olympiastrasse 10, 6020 Innsbruck
Phone:+43 512 2050500
E-Mail: support@eisprinzessin.at
Web: eisprinzessin.at
Cockburn Ice Arena
WIFA gloves only
401 Progress Drive
Bibra Lake W.A. 6163
Nadine Brazil
Phone: + 61 8 9411 0300
E-Mail: info@cockburnicearena.com.au
E-Mail: Nadine@cockburnicearena.com.au
Web: cockburnicearena.com.au
Denis La Rochelle - Skate Service
1124 Gleneagles Dr.
P.O. Box 3578
Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0
Toll free: 888-678-6680
Phone: 403-863-3650
Fax: 403-337-8070
E-Mail: lfci@mac.com
Figure skating shop
Dagmar Toulova
Kladenska 405/48
16000 Prague 6
Czech republic
Phone: +420 607 511 267
E-Mail: dagmar.toula@gmail.com
Web: toulova.cz/
Skatepro Aps (Online Shop)
Omega 6
DK-8382 Hinnerup
Phone: +45 69693696
E-Mail: purchase@centrano.com
Web: skatepro.dk
Sarl ymaj Green & Glace
24 rue de la republique
Yves Wagrès
Phone: +33 (0)612 840 475
E-Mail: contact@greenetglace.fr
Glisse & Dance
71 rue Ampère
31670 LABEGE
Cyrille Cabanes
Phone: +33 (0) 647 594 188
E-Mail: glissedanse@gmail.com
Web: glissedanse.fr
Ice Expression
Eiskunstlauf Shop Dresden
Hartigstr. 1, 01127 Dresden
Romy Jaster
Phone: +49 351 32939610
E-Mail: info@eiskunstlauf-shop.de
Peters Eiskeller
Herr Peter Beißmann
Hauweg 3, 70794 Filderstadt
Phone: +49 711 774925
Fax: +49 711 7823239
E-Mail: stueve-beissmann@t-online.de
Igor Strelajev
Stadtbergerstrasse 53, 86157 Augsburg
Mobile: +49 176 436 836 03
E-Mail: negorro@aol.com
Peters Eiskeller
Rossbichlstrasse 4 – 6, 87561 Oberstdorf
Peter Beißmann
Phone: + 49 711 774925
Fax: +49 711 7823239
E-Mail: E-Mail: stueve-beissmann@t-online.de
Beranek KG Sportartikel
Kurze Strasse 7,88250 Weingarten
Mrs. Beranek
Phone: + 49 751 45 663
E-Mail: mail@sport-beranek.de
Web: sport-beranek.de
Möller Sport Soloutions GmbH
Seumestrasse 1, 90478 Nürnberg
Robert Möller
Phone: +49-911 23 95 156
Mobile: +49-171 498 4574
E-Mail: info@moeller-sport.com
Sport Jakob
Bahnhofstraße 9, 94065 Waldkirchen
Phone: +49-8581-98930
E-Mail: info@sport-jakob.de
Skate and Glide
Danzinger Str.205 A, 10407 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-923 73 525
Fax: +49-177-455 81 13
E-Mail: gert.hofmann@t-online.de
SKS import Company
WIFA gloves only
Shinichi Kohigashi
5-14,Shoraiso, Nishinomiya
662-0822 Hyogo
PHONE: +81-798-530-952
E-Mail: kohigashi@kosugi-skate.com
Figure skating club "Kristal Ice"
Professional Ice Sports school "Pardaugava" director Olga Kovalkova
Jurmalas Gatve 78 D
Riga, Latvia
Phone: +37129548461
E-Mail: kristal_ice@hello.lv
Dance Makers UAB
Ulonu g. 3
LT-08240 Vilnius
Mika Frankaite
Phone: + 370 606 68 449
E-Mail: DMservisas@gmail.com
Web: dancemakers.lt
Tinas Konståkningsshop
Magdalenagatan 5
70286 Örebro
Christina Hultkrantz
Phone: +46 704 830 894
E-Mail: postmaster@konstakning.net
Web: konstakning.net
Web: figureskatingwarehouse.com
Teijas Skateshop AB
Birger Jarlsgatan 104
114 20 Stockholm
Teija Koskinen
Phone: +46 815 7528
E-Mail: info@teijasskateshop.com
Web: teijasskateshop.com
Jana Zrubecová
A. Hlinku 2446/3
960 01 Zvolen
Phone: +421 904 577 379
E-Mail: krasoshop@krasoshop.sk
Web: krasoshop.sk
Figure Skating Distribution
Carlos Mur
Carrer del Canigó, 3, Horta-Guinardó
08031 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 4276434
E-Mail: info@stifeldblades.com
WIFA gloves only
c/Colombia 4
28823 Coslada, Madrid
Telefon: +34 91 673 7188
E-Mail: tienda@doctorpatin.com
Tenini Sport
WIFA gloves only
Rapperswilerstr. 63
8620 Wetzikon
Andreas Tenini
Telefon: +41 (0)43 477 54 54
E-Mail: info@tenini.chm
Pierce Skate & Ski
Ted Petroskey
208 West 98th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420, USA
Phone: 0019528841990
E-Mail: tpetroskey@piercemn.com
Web: pierceskateandski.com